The school is clearly identifiable as Catholic in name and practice-where building a relationship with Jesus is the central purpose. Relationships with students are driven by a deep belief that every student is made in the image and likeness of God and is capable of successful learning. The principal and leadership team work to enhance the Catholic identity of the school with teachers, staff, parents/carers, students, parish and the wider community. All teachers know that the Catholic identity of the school is animated through their witness to Catholic values, support for the ethos and mission of the school in the context of the local parish and wider Church, and in their participation in liturgy and prayer. The school has an articulated charism and the Catholic imagination and culture is developed in the religious literacy dimension and religious life dimension of the school.
The Characteristic’s named attributes are:
- the principal and leadership team are committed to enlivening a re-contextualised Catholic school culture in an increasing de-traditionalised society (theology);
- forms an integral part of the communion of the local and universal Church;
- the preferred pedagogical perspective of the Catholic school actively engages with the ‘new evangelisation of proclaiming Christ to all people’; Catholic perspectives infuse and are integrated within all aspects of the formal curriculum;
- the school models the ‘Seven Defining Features of a Catholic school’ (Have a consistent commitment to Gospel values; Play an integral role in the evangelizing mission of the Church; Model God's love for all by being a renewing community where all are valued, affirmed and empowered; Be staffed by qualified, competent people who give witness to Gospel values; Be communities of learning that provide quality, relevant, holistic education; Be sacred places where the spiritual life is nurtured; Be welcoming and open to all who seek a Catholic education.);
- the Catholic values of the school are expressed in and through the Gospel values of love, abundance of life, liberation, reconciliation, inclusion, justice, compassion and community;
- the religious literacy of the school is achieved through an approved Religious Education curriculum that is focused on developing the Catechism of the Catholic Church developed in the sacred texts, beliefs, Church and Christian life strands. An appropriate amount of time is allocated for learning and teaching and with the following features: a working scope and sequence, assessments, units of work, an integrated PDE scope and sequence, and a regular review process;
- the religious life of the school is evidenced in its:
- Religious identity and cultural aspects e.g. visible sacred space; religious symbols; care for the environment.
- Evangelisation and faith formation aspect e.g. engaged with the parish including the sacramental program and wider Church; student’s faith formation is achieved through the rigorous religious education program and active liturgical and prayer life of the school; spiritual formation of teachers and staff in the Catholic school is a priority.
- Prayer and worship aspect e.g. opportunities for daily class prayer and Christian Meditation; regular staff prayer and liturgical celebrations are provided; school liturgical celebrations including celebration of Eucharist.
- Charity, solidarity, outreach and action for justice. All programs contain an element of reflection and are explicitly connected to Catholic Social Teaching, teaching of and witness to our Catholic Christian tradition, scripture and the mission of Jesus.
- Christian stewardship as a sacred duty, e.g. practice in decision making which fosters a life that is ecologically and ethically sustainable.
- compliance with TCEO policies on accreditation of teachers to teach in a Catholic school and to teach Religious Education and Senior Leadership study policies;
- the principal allocates appropriate resources (human, financial and capital) to the promotion of the Catholic identity of the school including appropriate professional development for all staff.